It results in eating cultural snack flourishing and severely affects contemporary people ' s reading habit , including the university students of today 它导致了速食文化快餐的盛行,严重地影响着当代人的阅读习惯,当今的大学生更是首当其冲地受到影响。
As a matter of fact , the humanistic value and the emotional functions of the classical chinese are very important to high school students today who have long been influenced by " cultural snacks " and who are no longer sensitive to the beautiful world and have poor sense of beauty 5文言文教学的价值被淡漠。文言文的人文价值,情感意义对与今天吃文化快餐长大的中学生来说尤为重要,他们的感受力不再敏感,审美情趣也趋于低俗。